Trafair @ SmartCommunities Conference 2021

TRAFAIR has been selected for the presentation in the Mobility Session at the SmartCommunities Conference 2021.
The conference will be held online on April 13th, 2021 (registration link).
The event is organized by the Italian Technology Cluster and will promote the best innovative solutions for resilient and intelligent communities.

The virtual event will be held in Italian, with the exception of the keynote speakers. The Agenda is available here:

What traffic are we breathing in the city?

What is the traffic trend in the city? And how much does it impact air quality? How have traffic and pollution changed from 2018 to today?

The Trafair project will end in one month. The final event in Modena to present the results of the project will be held online on 29th March 2021 at 5:30 pm.

During the event, traffic and air quality monitoring tools will be presented. The tools are freely accessible to all and help fill the lack of information on air pollution on the urban scale.

TRAFAIR Traffic Flow ( and TRAFAIR Air Quality ( are the dashboards that monitor data from the cities of Modena, Zaragoza and Santiago de Compostela.
TRAFAIR forecast and TRAFAIR green areas are the mobile apps available for Android and iOS devices.

The event will be streamed on the Trafair Youtube channel ( and on the Europa Modena Facebook page (
During the event, it will be possible to send questions by commenting directly on Facebook and Twitter.

Trafair @ BigVis Workshop

The paper “SenseBoard: sensor monitoring for air quality experts” has been accepted to be presented in the 4th International Workshop on Big Data Visual Exploration and Analytics (BigVis 2021) of the 24th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT 2021). The conference will be held online from 23th to 26th March.

The paper describes the web application developed in Modena to help environmental experts in monitoring the air quality sensor network, and controlling calibration and anomaly detection algorithms.

Best paper award at GEOProcessing 2020

The paper “Automatic publication of Open Data from OGC services: the use case of TRAFAIR project“, funded by TRAFAIR, was presented at The Twelfth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services (GEOProcessing 2020), Valencia (Spain), 21-25 November 2020.

This work proposes a workflow for the publication of Open Spatial Data, whose main contribution is the automatic generation of metadata extracted from OGC spatial services providing access to feature types and coverages.

This paper has been awarded as one of the best papers of the conference.

Read the paper at this link or have a look at the slides.

TRAFAIR @ Voila2020 in the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2020)

Today, the paper “A Comparative Study of State-of-The-Art Linked Data Visualization Tools“, partially funded by TRAFAIR, has been presented by Federico Desimoni in the 5th Internation workshop “Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data”(VOILA2020) co-located with the International Semantic Web Conference. The paper describes the experimental evaluation of a set of generic use cases over a set of Linked Data Visualization Tools. Read the paper at this link.

Nessuna descrizione alternativa per questa immagine

Delivery of the tree to the city of Santiago de Compostela as an award for the II Prize for Clean Air with the TRAFAIR project

The TRAFAIR – Understanding Traffic Flows to Improve Air Quality project (, co-financed by the European Community and in which CESGA, the city of Santiago de Compostela and the USC participate, arose from the need of large cities to check the air quality quickly and efficiently with a system that allows decisions to improve air quality, benefiting citizens, businesses and administrations.

The objectives of this project are to provide estimates of air pollution in the city and to develop a prediction service based on the specific meteorology of the area and the real traffic flows that move through the city, in addition to publishing these data to the public.

These objectives have favored the city of Santiago de Compostela being awarded the II Prize for Clean Air by presenting itself with the TRAFAIR project, in which CESGA is a partner together with the Council and the USC. The role of CESGA in the project as an HPC environment (High Performance Computing) computing air quality simulations and as HPC experts has been fundamental for the progress of the project, and the support provided to both national and international TRAFAIR partners is recognized.

The X Clean Air Platform ( has awarded Santiago de Compostela the prize in the category of cities with less than 100,000 inhabitants.

The main reasons why he has been awarded the prize are:

• The project is a joint initiative between public administrations and universities in Italy and Spain that joins their efforts to understand the impact that traffic flows have on air quality.
• Its scientific rigor, the use of new technologies and the development of innovative and sustainable services to produce new robust, fast and reliable information.
• It contemplates social awareness, it will generate concrete benefits for citizens, companies and administrations through a service that will provide tools (for example, open data publication and web and mobile applications) to know the reality of air, traffic and weather conditions within the city. Validate the results with an innovative and low-cost air quality sensor system.

From left to right: José Antonio Souto (TRAFAIR investigator at USC), José Ángel Taboada (TRAFAIR investigator at USC), Patricia Argerey (President of CESGA), Juan Carlos García Marina (Director of climate change at Plataforma X Aire Limpio), Rafael Rodríguez Gayoso (innovation technician of the City Council of Santiago de Compostela), Xosé A. Sánchez Bugallo (Mayor of Santiago de Compostela)

Due to COVID-19 the awards ceremony was postponed and finally was held on October 1 at 12:00 in Alameda Park. The award is the planting of a tree, which symbolizes the importance of implementing urban nature systems as a good practice to improve the #AirQuality of our cities, and a diploma. The tree selected by the Councilor for the Environment Milagros Castro is the Davinia Involucrata, an ornamental plant popularly used in gardens and native to central and southern China.

From left to right: Rafael Rodríguez Gayoso (innovation technician of the City Council of Santiago de Compostela), José Antonio Souto (TRAFAIR investigator at USC), José Ángel Taboada (TRAFAIR investigator at USC), Cecilia Grela (TRAFAIR project technician at CESGA), Eva María Ezcurra de la Iglesia (European Projects Officer)

Trafair @ the third local event in Tuscany (Italy)

The Regional Authority of Tuscany has organized the third local dissemination event of the Trafair project in Pisa next 9th of October 2020 at 2:30 PM.

This event, hosted by the Internet Festival 2020, will also see the attendence of other partners: the University of Modena, the Tuscany Region and the University of Florence.

Online event registration:

Below, you can find the programme.

Trafair @ Modena Smart Life 2020

Modena Smart Life 2020 started yesterday!
The event lasts one week and will be held online.

Laura Po will coordinate the round table “Smart City: la sfida verso la sostenibilità” on Saturday at 2 pm.

The TRAFAIR project and the outcomes for monitoring traffic and air quality in Modena will be presented live on and

In addition, 5 videos will be broadcast online:

Monitoring air quality in real time (Tuesday 22 Sept 7.00pm – 7.05pm)
A network of sensors for a smart city (Wednesday 23 Sept 11.00 – 11.05)
Analysis of urban traffic flows (Wednesday 23 Sept 11.05 am – 11.10 am)
Predicting air quality (Thursday 24 Sept 2.30pm – 2.35pm)
Open data for a conscious citizenship (Thursday 24th Sept. 2.35pm – 2.40pm)

The full program is available online

Trafair @ the local event in Zaragoza (Spain)

Today, 22nd September, a local event will be held in the city of Zaragoza within the framework of the Trafair project.

The TRAFAIR project and its main developments will be announced at the European Mobility Week in a round table to discuss aspects related to sustainable mobility and air quality in the city of Zaragoza. There will be the participation of the Environment Agency and the Urban Mobility Service of the Zaragoza City Council, project collaborators, representatives of the Green Office and the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Zaragoza, who participate in the Mobility Plan of the University of Zaragoza.


Trafair @ PM2020

TRAFAIR will be in tour at the Italian National Conference on Atmospheric Particulate Matter (, to be held in-person in Lecce on the 14-16 October 2020. This is the largest conference in Italy regarding atmospheric science, gathering several top-ranked Italian scientists working in Europe. The presentation will provide an overview of the project and share the latest results regarding atmospheric modelling and monitoring.

Stay tuned to see our presentation!

Trafair for the International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies

Trafair participates in the first International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies to take action now to drive #CleanAirForAll.

One of the objectives of the Trafair project is to help stimulate interest in air quality and provide data on urban pollution to anyone.

Two new mobile applications for the cities of Modena, Zaragoza and Santiago de Compostela are now available for Android devices.

The Trafair Forecast application shows forecast air quality information (concerning the next 48 hours), mainly about the concentration of nitrogen oxides (NOx), for the cities of Zaragoza, Santiago de Compostela and Modena. In addition, the application offers the possibility of consulting real-time information about the concentration of other pollutants, such as CO, NO2, NO and O3. Moreover, the app includes an interactive map which allows the user to check NOx concentration in the desired city area for the next 2 days.

Logo of the TRAFAIR GREEN AREAS application (

The Trafair Green Areas application shows real-time information of the concentration of different air pollutants (NO2, CO, O3 and NO) in a point of interest in three European cities: Zaragoza, Santiago de Compostela and Modena. This allows the user to know an approximation of the air quality in the desired city area. For an easier consultation of the data, it is possible to store a list of points of interest for the user as favorites, as well as to choose between different scales of colors and values for easier visualization of the data.

Let’s try them and check the air quality in your city!

By the end of this month, the apps will be available also for IoS devices on the App Store.

Other dashboards and mobile apps are available from other partners: have a look at the link

Trafair @ AICCSA2020

The paper “Real-time data cleaning in traffic sensor networks” has been accepted in the 17th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2020). The work describes the implementation of a fast data cleaning process to remove traffic sensor faults. The approach has been applied to the observations of traffic sensors installed in Modena and its effectiveness has been demonstrated through the performance evaluation of the traffic simulation model.

The conference will be held online from 2nd November to 5th November, 2020.

Trafair @ IV2020

The paper “Visual analytics for spatio-temporal air quality data” has been accepted in the 24th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV2020). The article is a joint work of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and the University of Santiago de Compostela and describes the air quality dashboard for the city of Modena that has been released as an outcome of the Trafair project. The Trafair air quality dashboard ( is an effective web application to help public administration in decision making. Air quality data are not only visualized at a limited set of locations at different times but in the continuous space-time domain, thanks to interpolated maps that estimate the pollution at un-sampled locations.

The paper will be presented virtually at the conference on the 10th of September.

Trafair on FocusUnimore

A news about Trafair has been published on FocusUnimore, the monthly magazine of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Read here the news!

You can find other news articles from the magazine of June 2020 all related to sustainability here.

II Premio X Aire Limpio

The cities of Santiago de Compostela and Zaragoza have been awarded the II Prize for a Clean Air (II Premio X Aire Limpio – organized by the Platform for a Clean Air (
The prize recognizes municipalities engaged in the air quality of their city and gives visibility to these practices as a stimulus for other cities.
Santiago de Compostela was selected among the cities with less than 100k inhabitants, while Zaragoza was awarded among the cities with more than 100k people.

The panel of the prize, composed of high prestige researchers and air quality related professional associations, highlighted the number of proposals received and also their quality. The panel recognized the scientific rigor of the proposals and the use of new technologies to develop innovative and sustainable services to produce robust and reliable information. They also highlighted the cooperation between public administrations and universities from Spain and Italy.

The award ceremony, which will take place when COVID-19 emergency allows, will consist in the planting of a tree, as a symbol of city renaturation.

Trafair @ EGU 2020

TRAFAIR is in on stage at the Annual General Assembly of the European Geophysical Union (, which this year is presented in a new online format named “Sharing Geoscience Online”, allowing a free and open discussion to any scientist worldwide.
A great opportunity for us all. Have a look at our presentation!

2020 TEN-T Days exhibition CANCELLATION

We are very sorry to announce that the TEN-T Days that were to take place from 13 to 15 May 2020 in Sibenik are cancelled. The cancellation is due to the COVID19 emergency that is involving all the World in this period. The organisers are committed to working hard to deliver a successful 10th edition of the TEN-T Days when we will have overcome COVID19.

PortASAP cancellation

Due to the evolving situation and uncertainty regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the 2020 PortASAP meeting has been cancelled. This decision is based on the last Greek Ministry of Health announcement, to prohibit international gatherings in Greece as of 9 March 2020.

TRAFAIR project @ 2020 TEN-T Days exhibition

The TRAFAIR project has been selected to be presented at the 2020 TEN-T Days exhibition.

The event will be held on 13-14-15 May in Šibenik, Croatia and will bring together Ministers, Members of the European Parliament, European Coordinators, representatives of the European Commission, the European Investment Bank and other financial institutions, as well as TEN-T, CEF and Horizon2020 stakeholders to discuss the TEN-T revision and the progress on the implementation of the trans-European transport network. It aims at presenting the state of the art of TEN-T, as well as the achievements of the Connecting Europe Facility programme and the latest developments.

UNIMORE will present through a stand the results and perspectives for the future sustainability of the TRAFAIR project.

More information:

Trafair at IHSI conference in Modena

Today, TRAFAIR project was presented at the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration: Integrating People and Intelligent Systems in Modena. The title of the presentation is “Using Real Sensors Data to Calibrate a Traffic Model for the City of Modena” and it is focused on the traffic model implemented in Modena by using SUMO (Simulation of Urban Mobility). Different comparisons and evaluations of the model have been explained and discussed.

Local event in Livorno

Tomorrow, 12nd of February 2020 at 09:30 am, the Regional Authority of Tuscany has organized the second local dissemination event of Trafair project in Livorno (Italy).

Trafair project will be introduced by the Municipality event of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. University of Modena, Regione Toscana, University of Florence and the local partners Provincia di Livorno, Professionals Associations of Architects and Engineers will be present. The event venue will be at the Cisternino Citta, Largo del Cisternino, 13 Livorno (Italy).

Local event in Santiago de Compostela

A local event of the TRAFAIR project was celebrated at 23th of January in Santiago de Compostela with the participation of Government, Institutions, smart cities experts, citizens and companies.
The opening session was chaired by the major of the city and included the participation of:

  • Mr. Xosé Antonio Sánchez Bugallo, Major of the City Council of Santiago de Compostela,
  • Mr. Gumersindo Feijoo Costa, Vice President of Planning and Strategic Projection of USC,
  • Ms. Patricia Argerey Vilar, President of CESGA, Director of Galician Innovation Agency (this agency belongs to the regional Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry) – Xunta de Galicia,
  • Ms. María Cruz Ferreira Costa, General Director of Environmental Quality and Climate Change, Department of Environment, Territory and Housing – Xunta de Galicia.

The main motivation and objectives of the project were presented. Four round tables discussed different topics related to TRAFAIR and air quality. The event had a high social impact at local and regional scale, including both press and radio.

Trafair in the journal Applied Sciences

We are very glad to announce that the paper “Smart Environmental Data Infrastructures: Bridging the Gap between Earth Sciences and Citizens” has been accepted for publication on the Special Issue “Smart Data and Semantics in a Sensor World” of the Applied Sciences journal.

The paper reviews earth science data representation and access standards and technologies, and identifies the main challenges to overcome in order to enable their integration in semantic open data infrastructures. This would allow non-scientific information technology practitioners to devise new end-user solutions for citizen problems in new application domains.

Read the paper

Trafair at PortASAP 2020

First results about air quality sensor calibration in TRAFAIR will be presented at the 2020 PortASAP meeting of March!

PortASAP (@COST_PortASAP) is a European network promoting portable, affordable and simple analytical platforms and aiming to match the need for low-cost analytical techniques with expertise.

Stay tuned for the presentation slides!

Trafair at the transnational event ODEON Project

Today, Trafair project has been presented in a meeting organized in the framework of the ODEON Project (

The main objective of this event (Open data, data and agriculture in Zaragoza) is to show and know more about digital projects based on the use of data, open data and tools to improve the competitiveness, processes or information in the agri-food sector of Aragón. During his presentation, Javier Nogueras from UNIZAR has emphasised the aspects related to open data in the Trafair project.

Trafair at the XII Semana de la Ingeniería y Arquitectura

Last week TRAFAIR project was presented during the “XII Semana de la Ingeniería y Arquitectura” organized by EINA (University of Zaragoza). This event (November, 4-8, 2019) aims to bring Engineering and Architecture studies closer to High School students and general public.

The presentation included an overview of the Trafair project as well as its main goals and objectives. The operation of the low cost sensors was explained and some of the first results obtained for the city of Zaragoza were shown. In general, it was very well received among the attendees.

Trafair at ISC2 2019

Last week, Laura Po and Federica Rollo presented two papers at the 5th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2019).

The title of the first paper presented is “TRAFAIR: Understanding Traffic Flow to Improve Air Quality” which provides an overview of the Trafair project and the situation about the implementation of the project in each city involved.

The title of the other paper is “From Sensors Data to Urban Traffic Flow Analysis” which describes the implementation of an urban traffic flow model in the city of Modena based on real traffic sensor data.

Trafair at the Internet Festival 2019

The Regional Authority of Tuscany has organized the first local dissemination event of Trafair project in Pisa (Italy) next 11th of October 2019 at 2 PM. This event, hosted by the Internet Festival 2019 (, will also see the attendence of its lead partners: University of Modena, Tuscany Region and University of Florence.
The event venue will be the Scuola Normale, Pisa.


Trafair at Modena Smart Life 2019

The European Trafair project will be presented in Modena.
To learn more about the project, its objectives and activities, we invite you to the Trafair Workshop, scheduled for Saturday, September 28, 2019 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am in Galleria Europa, during the event Modena Smart Life 2019.

Afterwards, we will continue and expand our reflection about the environment, IoT and smart city, in the round table “New challenges for the smart city“, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in Galleria Europa. The complete program of the Festival is available on the site


The TRAFAIR project described in a paper accepted at IEEE ISC2 2019

We are very glad to announce that the paper “TRAFAIR: Understanding Traffic Flow to Improve Air Quality” has been accepted for publication at the 2019 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2019)!
The paper will be presented at the ASC2 workshop within the conference and describes the basis of the project, its goals and the current implementation in the 6 European cities.

Implementation of the traffic model in the city Modena within TRAFAIR project – 3 papers accepted at WI 2019 and IEEE ISC2 2019

We are very glad to announce that the paper ‘Implementing an Urban Dynamic Traffic Model’ has been accepted at Web Intelligence Conference (WI 2019 – in Thessaloniki.
The paper describes the traffic model employed in Modena in the scope of the Trafair project based on SUMO (Simulation for Urban Mobility) simulation software and OSM (Open Street Map) geographic open-source data.

A detailed analysis of traffic simulation conducted in Modena will be presented also at the Web4City workshop ( held at WI 2019 ( by presenting the paper ‘Traffic Analysis in a Smart City’.

The sensor data collection, the traffic model interface and the interaction with the Trafair DB will be presented at ISC2 2019 ( in Morocco and published in the paper ‘From Sensors Data to Urban Traffic Flow Analysis’ that describes how the traffic model can automatically interact with the Trafair DB exploiting the traffic sensor data collected in the city of Modena and inserting its output data.

Trafair at the VIII Conference of Young Researchers in UNIZAR

The Trafair project will be presented at the VIII Conference of Young Researchers organized by the Aragón Institute of Engineering Research (I3A), which will be held on 6th June 2019, in Zaragoza (Spain). For eight years now, the I3A brings together its youngest researchers in a day that has become a meeting point of the different research groups that belong to the institute.

Here the available poster:



Trafair at EAC 2019

We are very glad to announce that the abstract “Impact Assessment of Traffic Emissions Across Urban Areas Combining Microscale Modelling and Gas Sensor Networks: the TRAFAIR Project” has been accepted at EAC 2019 ( in Gothenburg for a poster presentation.

Trafair at Motor Valley Fest 2019

The TRAFAIR project will be presented at Motor Valley Fest in Modena next week.

A demo showing the traffic simulation in the city of Modena and the air pollution dispersion that the traffic causes will be shown.

See us at the desk of our DEMO during the session of the 17th of May 2019 from 10:30 a.m. till 12:30 a.m. at the Parking Area Via Montessori Corner Via Canaletto Sud, Modena.

Please subscribe to the event at the following link

Trafair at SAC 2019

The paper “Using contemporary constraints to ensure Data Consistency” by David Abián, Jorge Bernad and Raquel Trillo-Lado will be presented on SAC 2019 next Thursday.

In this paper, a new temporal constraint to improve the data consistency on the linked data sources on the Semantic Web is presented. Moreover, experimental results show that using such constraint on a data source will improve its quality of data. This constraint defined in this paper will be used to improve the data quality of the TRAFAIR linked data sources.

TRAFAIR in the Journal “Vehicular Communications”

TRAFAIR project has been mentioned and used as an example of a project on mobility in the paper “Spatial crowdsourcing with mobile agents in vehicular networks” written by Oscar Urra and Sergio Ilarri, in Press in the Vehicular Communications journal. The paper is available for 50 days free access (till May 23, 2019) at the following link

With the approach described in the paper, vehicles can be equipped with low-cost air quality sensors to measure pollution in different areas of a city and drivers can be encouraged to move to specific areas to facilitate and increase the coverage of the air quality monitoring task.

Trafair at the 4th GRAL USER WORKSHOP

TRAFAIR will be presented at the 4th GRAL USER WORKSHOP (, to be held in Innsbruck on the 12 – 13 March 2019: this is the annual occasion for GRAL developers and GRAL users to meet and share their experience and results.
GRAL – Graz Lagrangian Dispersion Model is the main atmospheric dispersion modelling tool in TRAFAIR, therefore we could not miss this opportunity. Stay tuned for the presentation slides!

Kick-Off meeting

The Kick-Off meeting starts today and continue until tomorrow. Some members of each partner meet to share their idea of the project.
The next two days are dedicated to the presentation of the project, description of the state of the art and exchange of thoughts to start the project in the best way.