Activity 3 – Model Development and Tuning

Activity Leader: Alessandro Bigi (UNIMORE)

The goal of Activity 3 is the analysis, generation and improvement of a traffic flow model and of an air pollution dispersion model for each city in order to obtain improved estimates of spatially resolved data for citizens, as well as for public administration to make decisions related to traffic management and environmental policies. Moreover, monitoring systems covering the current state of air quality and traffic will be also developed. Finally, High- Performance Computing technologies to compute and run the models will be used.

UNIMORE is the leader of this Activity and UNIFI, UNIZAR, USC and CESGA participate to the Activity.

Activity 3 includes the following tasks:
Task 3.1 Set up and use of the Traffic Flow Model – Task Leader: Michela Paolucci (UNIFI)
Task 3.2 Set up and use of the Urban Air Pollution Dispersion Model – Task Leader: Alessandro Bigi (UNIMORE)
Task 3.3 Parallelization of Lagrangian Particle Model – Task Leader: Michela Paolucci (UNIFI)
Task 3.4 Comparison of the Air Pollution Dispersion Models – Task Leader: Alessandro Bigi (UNIMORE)
Task 3.5 Creation of a coarse urban air pollution maps in semi real-time – Task Leader: Chiara Bachechi (UNIMORE)